
Communication and information are at the core of our services

Our clients can profit from our knowledge, our contacts, and our years of experience in the sector. We develop tailor-made projects centered on communication, training, events.

Sviluppiamo progetti di comunicazione su misura, formazione ed eventi.

Communication     |     Training     |     Consultancy     |     Publishing     |     Events



Story-telling needs skills, feeling, and experience..

Since 2013 we have developed vertical communication campaigns on urban cycling, cycle tourism, bike components, territorial promotion and events.
We are with you from strategic planning to reporting, through content creation, managing, optimization and analysis of online and offline campaigns.

Travel Guide

Ciclovia Parchi Calabria


Shimano Italia

Behaviour Change

City of Parma


Education & Training

Bikenomist offers education & training services to bike enthusiasts, private and public companies and professionals who want to get to know the world of cycling, or to join it.
We deliver online and offline courses, workshops, conventions, seminars.

Mechanics, Biomechanics, training, infrastructural design, business administration and communication are some of the themes on which we have focussed our training activities.

School of Bicycle Mechanics

Courses & Trainings

Bikenomics Forum

Cycling Economy Forum

Mo.Bi. Scuola




We help firms and public authorities to think and consolidate their relationship with the bike; we offer our know how and our network of contacts.

Communication, Marketing, Public Relations, Business Development are some of the services we can offer.

Reggio Emilia

Promotion of Active Mobility

Parma Cambia Spazio

City of Parma

Bike to Business

Bicycle friendly enterprise



We create content to spread information and best practices in the world of cycling.

If required, we can design booklets or ebooks to make this information easily shared; we take care of the whole process: plan-design-publish-distribute.

City of


Promotion of Cycle Tourism

How to count cyclist?

A scientific Approach to Infrastructure

Communication of Cyclability

The Manual



Spreading ideas is easier when there is a physical contact between the public and those who operate in the sector, such as businesses, professionals, associations, public authorities.

We organize B2B and B2C events to help the different actors of the cycling world get together.

Fiera del Cicloturismo

Cycle Tourism Expo & Talk


Urban Mobility Conference

Festival Lebici

Bicycle Festival