On Saturday, March 28th and Sunday, March 29th, 2020, BASE Milan will host the first Bicycle Touring Fair in Italy.
Italians are increasingly choosing active vacations, and among the available options, bicycle touring is among their favorite activities. According to a study by Unioncamere and Legambiente, bicycle tourism in our country alone accounts for 8.4 percent of the total national tourist movement, with 77.6 million presences. That is, more than 6 million people spent a bicycle vacation with a turnover of 7.6 billion euros/year.
And the public sector is not standing idly by: in just three years, our country has pledged a total of more than 750 million euros for the creation of a national network of cycleways, and territories are reacting with increasing speed by creating dedicated routes, signage and services.
The lack of a meeting point between supply and demand for pedal-powered experiences led to the creation of the first Cycling Fair to be held on Saturday March 28 and Sunday March 29 at BASE Milano, a creative hub in the heart of Milan’s design district.
The Bicycle Tourism Fair, wants to create a logical path of exhibitors who will be able to present their perfect vacation or weekend: aimed at families, adventurers or sportsmen, but always on pedals.
“Italy is a country to be tasted with the right attention and the right speed,” says Paolo Pinzuti, CEO of Bikenomist and organizer of the fair, “with the Bicycle Tourism Fair we wanted to create a catalog of experiences and beauty for all those who want to ride in new places, away from traffic, but without the need to improvise.”
In addition to the exhibition space, the Bicycle Tourism Fair will also host Bikeitalia talks, a busy roundup of meetings, presentations, screenings and narratives of places, experiences, dreams, techniques and travel tips that will enliven the two-day event.
For the occasion, the ARDA (A Ritmo D’Acque) project will be presented to the public, a series of bicycle itineraries that, starting from BASE Milano, will explore the area along the canals and major points of interest marked and narrated by multimedia art installations. .
The Bicycle Tourism Fair is organized by Bikenomist srl, a Milan-based company specializing in bicycle communication, with the support of BASE Milano. Media partner, Bikeitalia.com.
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