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The year 2022 is coming to an end, and before we turn to New Year’s resolutions, as per tradition we review the top moments of this past year.

1- The School Streets

For us, the year began with thoughts to the little ones. Together with the Metalco Group, we published a free guide for the implementation of school streets to solve traffic and chaos in front of schools and to dispel doubts and questions about the benefits to students and families; the effects on the city.

If you missed it, you can download it from here,“The School Streets.

The ebook was also followed by a webinar

2- Cycle Tourism Fair, the first edition

After two years of waiting, we finally realized the first edition of the Cycle Tourism Fair, which was held on March 12 and 13, 2022 at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan and which we dare to say was a success: the report of the two-day event.

The second edition of the Cycle Tourism Fair will be held in Bologna, April 1-2, 2023. We are waiting for you!

3- Formative meetings

Throughout the year, we dedicated ourselves to create awareness in bicycle use: our training director, Omar Gatti, held 25 training sessions around Italy. These free evenings are aimed at informing and educating cyclists and enthusiasts toward a scientific and intelligent approach to riding position and overall athlete training, both on and off the bike.

4- MobilitARS, the car-free city.

The second edition of MobilitARS, the state-of-the-art conference on the car-free city was held in Reggio Emilia, May 26-28. Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility Minister Enrico Giovannini opened the event, followed by geologist and popularizer of science Mario Tozzi, and 30 speeches by leading Italian and European mobility experts, with case studies and proposals to rid cities of cars, energy dependence and smog.

Check out the playlist with all the Mobilitars speeches :

5- Bikenomist on stage at Velo-city in Ljubljana

Once again this year our newspaper Bikeitalia was one of the media partners of the world cycling summit, Velo-city Conference. Our presence in Ljubljana was not only as spectators of the event, but also as protagonists.

Paolo Pinzuti, CEO of Bikenomist, participated in the session on bikenomics with a talk titled “Entrepreneurship in cycling as a tool for change,” in which he recounted the birth and development of the company he founded in 2015 whose motto is “from bike to business.”

One of the leading cycling tourism projects followed by Bikenomist, the “Ciclovia dei Parchi della Calabria,” was narrated in the panel “Cycle tourism off the beaten track” by Pinar Pinzuti. In her talk, “Regional Cycle Network as a key for the changing face of Calabria,” Pinar outlined communication and promotion strategies for this new destination for bicycle tourism.

6- We are on the EuroVelo Council

Our cycling brainwasher Pinar Pinzuti, after receiving a special award from the UN for World Bicycle Day, was elected as a member of the Eurovelo Council in June.

7- We opened the eleventh Bikeitalia LAB.

This year our commitment to serving Italian cyclists and their comfort in the saddle continued: in one year we performed more than 600 biomechanical examinations and opened 3 new centers for bike fit :Perugia, Grosseto, and Caltanissetta.

bikeitalia lab

8- We have surpassed 6,000 trainees

The bicycle industry is growing, and while more and more enthusiasts and companies are involved in it, people are struggling to find qualified personnel who know where to put their hands competently. In 2022 we held 58 in-person courses in our bicycle mechanics school with a total of 235 trainees. We also ran a course in Livigno aimed at 2 bike stores.

We ran 13 masterclasses in bicycle mechanics with a total of 51 participants.

On Youtube, you can find our new column “Life as a Mechanic”

9 -Five new ebooks

This year we were very productive and published five guides that are part of our themes: mobility, business, travel, mechanics and bike health.

The publication ” Tenerife by Bicycle” is intended to be a tool to answer the many questions that may come to mind for those who want a racing bicycle vacation in a place as close to paradise as possible.

We have published an ebook to solve Back pain on a bicycle, revised and published the second edition of the ebook guide to choosing a gravel bike, and in collaboration with Repower created a practical guide to turning hotels into bike hotels.

The revolution is on pedals, the latest 2022 ebook is dedicated to cycling, click here to download.

As always, all ebooks are free to download from

10- The Bikenomist Team has grown.

New professionals joined the Bikenomist team and enriched our daily work with new experiences and knowledge. Welcome Giuliana D’Angelo, Gabriele, Mellera, Davide Leggieri and Barbara Orlandi.

bikenomist company milan

What about 2023?

We already know that 2023 will be even more challenging than the past year because we have even more ambitious goals and a number of surprises.

We will launch new training courses and develop partnerships with historic companies in the bike world, the Bologna Cycle Tourism Fair will have surprising dimensions, and we will close the year with a super-event that we can’t tell you about yet but will leave you speechless.

Finally, 2023 will be the year when we look more and more to the international market, but we will tell you about this step-by-step on

And in the meantime: best wishes for a 2023 that can exceed our expectations.

Paolo Pinzuti

Cycling Executive Officer

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